

Jan 18

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Snow arrives for the West of USA

After an epic time last season, much of the west of the USA has had a terrible start to the 2011/2012 season, with an exceptionally dry December and (so far) January leading to a snowpack less than half the average depth for this time of year. To add insult to the injury, at the same time the Alps have been getting record breaking levels of snow, with some resorts having received more snow in one week than they did for the whole of last season.

BUT – things are changing! The storm track for North America has shifted south, and the conditions have finally come together with a ton of moisture coming off the Pacific and hitting the mountains. Starting today, the forecasts are now calling for 30 – 60 inches of snow by the weekend – that’s 75 – 150cm in new money! see here for more details.

Snowgenius is particularly excited, as we’re heading out to ski in Utah on Saturday 21January – hopefully right into the best of the powder. We’ll be updating the blog from out there, so watch this space!

Permanent link to this article: http://www.snowgenius.com/2012/01/18/snow-arrives-for-the-west-of-usa/

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